C&C 27 Association Forum

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#1 2008-02-28 01:08:02


Custom Comforter size for V berth

I am having a comforter cut to size the v berth (Mk V).  Any one had this done - how much material should be left on the sides at the foot end?
Barry  Oasis, 1987 Mk V

#2 2008-02-28 03:31:27


Re: Custom Comforter size for V berth

Hi Barry,
The comforter sounds like a great idea, particularly since it was minus 32 C. here this morning.
  Seriously, I've not done your idea of a comforter but my only thought would be not to make the extension of the sides and foot the same thickness/bulk as the cover itself so "tuck-under" parts won't be too bulky.
Stay warm,
Clare Jordan, Aragorn

#2 Genoa for 27' Mk.111 by North Sails . Tri-radial cut, Norlam fabric, built 1998-- good shape . Window, tell-tales and draught stripe. Stitching etc. checked ;2001/2002 . #6 Luff tape .
Replacement Genoa is on order for 2004 racing season but there's some cruising years left in this one -$ 550 asking price. phone 613 498-2029 or e-mail <A href="mailto:bosco@ripnet.com">bosco@ripnet.com</A> <img src="emoticons/icon_frown.gif">Brockville)


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