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posted for Eddy
Hello there.
I currently own a C&C 27’ MK 2 1974.
I have recently changed the atomic 4 for a yanmar 1 gm.
The original pop doesn’t work for the diesel engine rpm. I’m looking for the specs of the cone end of the 7/8” shaft in order to order a fixed two blade prop.
I havent taken the prop off since im still in the water but until I do that I would like to get the specs that way i can have the new prop ready for when i get hauled to change it.
Could you please give me any information you have or point me in the right direction please. It would be very much appreciated.
Thank you in advance and best regards
Best place to start looking is in the Black Arts section of the site
If you go to and read the material on props and propellers, you’ll know as much as any of us do. What you have is probably a 7/8” shaft with an SAE taper, but read all the material on our pages and on the linked pages to get up to speed.
I’’m sorry but the page on specific props doesn’t offer much help for the Yanmar 1GM. When you’ve done the job and have a few months experience with the new prop, I’d appreciate a report (top speed in flat water, behaviour in rough water, general sense of how well the prop and engine are mated). Have fun and good luck.
David Weatherston
Towser, Toronto
C&C 27 Mk IV
David Weatherston
Towser, Toronto
C&C 27 Mk IV
FYI, I have a 1GM10 in my MkII, turns a three blade 12x8 prop. Seems to be an OK match for the most part.
Paul Baker
Sooke, BC
1974 Mk II
Paul Baker
Sooke, BC
1974 Mk II